The Season for Reading

We all know that summer is the season for reading. Okay, maybe many of us have forgotten that, but hopefully your childhood included summer reading programs through a local library so your brain wouldn't rot during the months without school. If yes, you probably should have some sort of association with reading and summertime. If you missed that train, find a child right now who will let you bum off his or her reading program for the next few months and share their coupon prizes with you. I remember spending days at a time as a child getting lost in the many worlds of stories, pausing only to eat and sleep . My favorite days in elementary school were DEAR days--drop everything and read--when we had the whole day just to read and eat snacks (my mom always sent me with goldfish), no other life obligations. So in the summers, packing for vacations including finding just the right book companion to bring along; when family gatherings got too big, I could sneak away and fi...