Like many of you, I once was a child. A child who loved legos and polly pockets and stuffed animals and named everything she could Crystal. Because Crystal was the name of winners. And of popstars. And of a specific combination of ions, atoms, and molecules. Obviously I was a little behind the times. Obviously. Not only was I under the impression that Crystal was the coolest name ever, but I also assumed most of my life choices couldn't be harder than picking the perfect name, which fortunately was a one-name-fits-all decision. That decision making style doesn't seem fit anymore. Or else I would be going to school in a town called Crystal studying crystalogy, a subcategory of geology (I think). Because real life expects you to make different and better decisions every day. Which is awesome because that's part of the miracle of CHANGE . And even if you don't make a decision about something, you are in fact still making a decision to ...