Marriage Isn't a Trophy

To my unmarried friends. Especially those of you who are LDS. Because #mormonculture. And to my married friends who love their unmarried friends. #pleasedontbedeadtome I've been thinking some thoughts about how we talk about marriage and wanted to share some insights. First, I'm going to let you in on a secret: I thought I would be married by age 25. Heck, if we're completely honest, I thought I would have gotten married within a year of coming home from my mission, which would have been by age 22. Because as a teenager, most all of my LDS female leaders and role models had gotten married in their late-teens or early 20s. They talked about getting married like it was the easiest thing. "Well he came home from his mission and thought I was cute and I thought he was cute so we decided to get married!" It hasn't been that easy for me. I'm 25 and not married. This is okay. This doesn't make me less tal...