Days Without Sun

Sometimes I get sad in the winter. I know that I’m sad because I don’t want to go to bed because it means I have to wake up. This probably sounds odd. Let me explain. I love getting up. It's the best to wake up with a fresh slate of hours. Yes, I’m one of those people who loves mornings. One of those people you’ve probably (definitely) hated at some point in your life because who in her right mind is stoked to wake up at 5:15am in the summer to go for a sunrise run or a long day hike. I’ve convinced myself that the most beautiful time in the world is between 6am and 9am, when the light is of the day is new and untarnished. I go to bed so that I can wake up and take part of some of this newness. So when I don’t want to go bed, it means I don’t want to wake up, and I know that something is wrong. This happened last January too. Bloomington is right on the border of EST and so the sun doesn’t rise until approximately 7:59am. And when I say the sun rises,...