Into the Woods

Approximately eight days ago, I went to the movie theatre (which is singular in and of itself) with my parents. We saw Into the Woods . Since that fateful day, my brain has continued to play the entire soundtrack on repeat during every waking moment. Which is partly my own fault since I listened to it on Spotify several times after seeing the movie. That’s where the addiction started. The soundtrack is about an hour long, which means that in eight days I’ve listened to the soundtrack (in my head or in real life) approximately 1000 times. #thishappenswitheverymusicalIsee I’ll try to detox this week with some other obnoxiously catchy music. Anyways, the point of that story (which wasn’t actually quite a story) was to transition into how much I actually enjoyed the musical with its multi-faceted themes, the largest of which comes from its title of course: into the woods . I love things that make you grow. Like vegetables . And missions . And college . And relationsh...