How to Be a Successful Human Being

Success (noun): the favorable or prosperous termination of attempts or endeavors; the accomplishment of one's goals.

Prosperous termination of attempts?
Accomplishment of goals?

The dictionary has been a good friend to me for many years, but I can’t say I agree with its definition of success.
And of failure.

Failure (noun):
a person or thing that proves unsuccessful


As I’ve been pondering the 22 years, 4 months, and 9 days I’ve been alive and especially the last seven months that I’ve been home from my mission, there are many aspects of my life I would be prone to label as “failures.” Because I haven’t really prosperously terminated any endeavors since graduating high school (which sounds like a death sentence) and everything that I've attempted to do in the meantime I am still doing. Meaning I’m not finished. And thus my actions have proved unsuccessful. And that thus makes me a failure.

Except as much as I sometimes feel like a failure, I know in my heart that I am not.

Because people fail sometimes. Or a lot of times.
But that doesn’t make them a failure.
I think it adds to their success.

I was talking to a friend this week who said he wished he had a list of bullet points for how to be a successful human being. I have undertaked and simplified this task.

Note: the title may be misleading, but this is a list for humans trying to retain their humanity, not for aliens trying to take on the role on humans.

·      -Smile when you talk to people.
·      -Wear clothes in public.
·      -Do things that make you happy. Like eating graham crackers or wearing a dirndl or hiking a mountain or reading a book.
·      -Spend time with people. I realize this may be hypocritical from someone who undergoes slight panic attacks in large groups of people and struggles with small talk, but interaction with other human beings is key to success and more importantly, feeling successful.
·      -Be kind. Everyone is fighting a hard battle.
·      -Laugh. Not mean or shallow laughter, but really joy-filled laughter.
·      -Learn new things.
·      -Create thoughts, theories, things, organizations, friendships. Never let your creativity rest.
·      -Look up.

I know I didn’t cover all the bases. But there are a lot of things that make me happy in this world. And while happiness may not be synonymous with success, I think it’s a side effect of giving and growing.

I think success is trying.
I think success is vulnerability.
I think success is continued effort even when it’s hard.

I think success is remembering you’re human.


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