Tomorrow's Tomorrow

Carpe Diem. YOLO. Seize the day. Whatever you want to call it, it involves enjoying the moment. Which can sometimes be difficult. Especially when maybe you are always thinking about all the things to do tomorrow and so you plan today around tomorrow. Or it's even worse and you plan today and around tomorrow's tomorrow and then all the sudden you think, shoooot. what the freak am I doing. Because tomorrow's potential can sometimes rob you of today's joy. My little brother is a great example of recognizing each day's gifts. He knows that you only live once. And that little things like caterpillars and snails and sunsets and peaceful nights and Chipotle at any hour should be appreciated and cherished. And while I know that planning and looking to the future is a good life skill, I know it's not the most important thing. I know today should be seized. Not only for homework or work or getting other random things done. But for j umping in s...