Hello, I'm Claire.

I took a long summer break from blogging.
From this blog that is.
Because I actually did write about the exciting things that happened during my suitcase days all over Europe. But not here. Rather here. 

And then I decided life wasn't getting anymore exciting so I should probably stop blogging.
Yet here we are. Well, I'm here. And you're there if you're reading this.

I'm back in Provo. Trying to introduce myself in unique ways because meeting people can be tiresome. Which may or may not include the following:

  • I live in a really cute apartment. With an ideal window for watching people as they walk down the street. (So yes, basically I'm a stalker)
  • I pretend to be various inanimate objects when I don't know what to say to people. Except that usually backfires because as it turns out, I still look like a human no matter how I bend myself. (So yes, I can be incredibly socially awkward)
  • I hate on America sometimes. Not because I actually hate living here but just because I love Europe so dang much. (So yes, I would prefer not to associate myself with your country)
  • I read a disturbingly large amount of books in the past two months. (So yes, I have more experience with fictional relationships and historical people than real ones)
  • "Peasant" is still one the most common used words in my vocabulary. (So yes, I believe there is a great sense of status in the world. And I'm a peasant regarding most things)
  • I clean and bake when I'm stressed (So yes, I would make an awesome wife)
  • German is my life (So yes, I'll probably bring up something related to how great German is)
  • My parents sold the house of my childhood this summer and my dog died (So yes, all the foundations of my previous existence have faltered and I'm more precarious than usual). 
  • I never learned how to whistle nor snap my fingers (So yes, I'm inept at normal human skills)
  • I have pink hairs. (And no, it's not cool-aid).
And that's how I make lots of friends. (So yes, I scare them all away).


  1. Since you're not my teacher anymore that means we can be best friends. Which is awesome because 98% of this post relates to me in some way. You pretend to be inanimate objects? I start making angry cat or Stitch (from Lilo and Stitch) noises. I will hate on America with you because every bit of me belongs in England. One of the best insults in our house is the accusative cry of "PEASANT!" (along with pointing at said peasant.)

    Yep. BFFs. Let's party.


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