Thirteen Reasons To Save Worms

A few weeks ago, I was walking outside as the sun rose after a night a of rain. I love the smell and sound of rain--it's refreshing, soothing, and cathartic. Worms like rain too. Whenever it rains, they always come out on the sidewalks and party like it's 1999. Except then they are still partying with the sun comes and dries them up. Such was the case on this particular morning as I looked down at the sidewalk and saw dozens of worms endeavoring to make their way back to the safety of the grass and several that had already failed and lost their lives in the struggle. Laugh at me if you will, but I may or may not have started to tear up a bit. This reminded me of afternoon looking at worms. My brothers and I loved looking for and collecting bugs when we were little (my favorites were worms and rolly pollies, obviously). Anyways, there was this one afternoon when I was maybe 15 and my brother Logan was 13 (so we weren't that little anymore apparently) and it ha...