The Other and Another: Learning to Recognize and Embrace Difference

The Other and Another: Learning to Recognize and Embrace Difference From Paige Payne I was introduced to the term Othering as an undergraduate in a history class. Ironically, I can’t remember which history class, but I was obsessed with the concept. Did I learn about Othering while discussing Japanese internment camps as a freshman and visiting one in Delta, Utah? Or was it looking at pictures of Huns and noticing how subhuman they looked? Was it talking about Jewish pogroms throughout Europe? About the Holocaust? About the physically and mentally disabled who were sterilized and killed under the rise of Nazis? Was it learning about slavery? Was it learning about colonialism? Othering refers to marking an individual or group as irreconcilably different and then perceiving and treating them as inferior or as an outsider. Othering is what drew me to classes about American slavery and Modern African history as I struggled to make sense of how people could have...