Year Three, in Love as Could Be

After spending last summer in Utah teaching a German term course at BYU (which I LOVED) and trying to get over a difficult breakup (which SUCKED), I returned to Indiana not sure what to expect for this third year in Bloomington.

I didn't see him until the next weekend, when we spent a church meeting writing irreverent haikus back and forth (apparently there were a lot of church structures playing in our favor). He came over afterwards to watch a BYU football game (while I feigned slight interest) and ended up staying until 3am talking with me about language, missions, past relationships, and life.
Which may not sound like a big deal except that if you know me, you know that I think 10pm is late and anything past 11pm might as well be the morning already. So basically I was smitten if I was willing to do this so early on. I wrote in my journal, "I've never been out-punned before, so clearly I'm interested because nothing is sexier than wordplay." (9/7/19)
I was so happy to have come back to Indiana feeling healed enough to build new relationships.
A couple weeks after we met, Dallin convinced me to watch Dark Crystal (the Netflix series). In which I got strangely invested. And which happened to actually be a pretty substantial part of our beginning relationship, so his risky choice paid off big:
"Dallin held my hand while watching a strange fantasy show last night."
I felt "like a nervous 19 year-old again, thinking nothing was a bigger deal than holding hands." (9/14/19)
The semester itself was filled with Finnish, German poetry, East German thought, Jewish thought, and teaching German.
But I admit, I was very distracted by Dallin, who diligently texted me throughout the month of September, admitting I was the best part of moving to Bloomington.
The end of the month came and I found myself reflecting on the past year:
"I was at some of my lowest lows in regards to trust of God, institutions, and romance. Did all of this damage me, help me to grow, or leave me where I started?" (9/21/19)
I think I can say as of June of 2020, that yes 2019 damaged me, and yes 2019 helped me grow.
Dallin's birthday happened to be two days before mine at the end of September. I took Dallin out to eat Indian food to celebrate and made him a cake, and then later in the night told him I wanted to kiss him. Despite my awesome setup of food bribes, he said he wasn't ready.
Which was fine and I was willing to wait for him.

And it was awesome.
To me, he "tasted like hope." (10/4/19) (I know, super cheesy...)
I liked that he was "silly, smart, witty, athletic, competitive, attractive, and ha[d] good hands." (10/4/19).
We officially started dating soon thereafter.
Dallin learned early on in our relationship about some of my unorthodox religious beliefs within the Mormon world. Each time something surprised or initially concerned him, he'd spend some time thinking about it and come back and say maybe I wasn't as radical as he'd thought. We started our relationship with everything out there, striving for total openness from the beginning and this was HUGE for me in learning to trust Dallin.
I was totally twitter-pated.

Over Thanksgiving, I went to Ghana with my friend Michael for a week and a half. Which was a dream I'd had since meeting so many Ghanians while I lived in Berlin from 2013-14 and falling in love with their lives, stories, and culture.

"I really missed Dallin while I was gone, so much that I thought I'd maybe made up this ideal version of him, but I came back and saw him and liked him just as much." (12/3/19)
I told him I loved him when I was falling asleep one night, but said it probably shouldn't count since I wasn't fully conscious. I told him again a few days later again though and he told me he loved me too and "there wasn't really any going back for him." (12/13/19)
At about this point, I began to stress out a little bit. Because I hadn't intended on falling in love with Dallin exactly like this or things getting serious so soon. I had to fight against some of my fears and worries while also beginning the next academic semester feeling a little out of sorts. I started the semester with another Finnish course and seminars on Jewish social memory, post-modern German theater, and German morphology.

Dallin and I took two trips in January: 1) to Orlando together to visit my friend Guillermo and 2) to St. Louis for my friend Li-Mae's wedding. Traveling with Dallin was a blast and it was fun to explore new places (and enjoy new food together).
I said yes and cried and said yes again.
I was so excited to launch into full blown wedding planning mode, which consumed the second half of February.
Oh and adopted a puppy in March upon realizing we wouldn't be in Europe for the summer.
I finished the semester somewhat distractedly (pandemic, puppy, and marriage all considered), but we can safely assume that I was less focused on academics this most recent semester than in past ones.
I still learned a lot this year.

I learned how to love and trust again when I had lost a lot of my personal belief in love.
I got excited about future academic projects (even if I didn't get a great start on them).
I completed all of my required coursework for my PhD except for ONE course which I'm taking in the fall.
I got a puppy, who is amazing and overwhelming. And if you follow me on Instagram you know this already because she's basically the only thing I post about these days.
I got married and am learning how to compromise (mostly on food choices).
Year Three. Just as good as the previous years. But with an amazing pun machine and a cute dog by my side. Life wasn't incomplete before. But I'm glad that I have these additions and I feel super grateful to have met Dallin this year and get to keep him in my life.
Blooming together in Bloomington.

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