Crazy Things

12 months. 385 crazy things. Go.

I make friends with people who don't shun wierdness and enjoy the adrenaline rushes that come with doing stupid things. You might ask, what ridiculous things do I do? Well, seeing as today was my last day of classes this semester, I'm celebrating twelve months of frivolity. Here we go (brace yourself for another list; I know I swore off lists, but they're so enticing...). We'll start off simple.
  • Graduated high school. Barely:)
  • First TP experience after going to a high school play. Success.
  • Decorated someone's car with a bunch of "Just Married" nonsense (while supposed to be at a state tennis tournament. Double Success). I really wish I had a picture of this because it was possibly one of the funniest things I've ever done.
  • Made an epic history cake for the history department.

  • Chalked a myriad of houses (Thanks to those people who took pictures and posted them on facebook asking who did it. Thanks also to the person who caught us and threw toilet paper at my car as I was driving away, causing mass havoc and screaming.)
  • Ding-dong ditched strange cakes at peoples' doorsteps. Don't worry; they still tasted good.

  • Wrote funny things on a bunch of car windows. And more chalking. Always.

  • Ran a half marathon. Yeah, that's ridiculous.
  • Played in mulch with my brother. He didn't make it out so well...

  • Dropped a cup of bacon grease off at someone's apartment. And a poem. Not that the latter makes the former any less wierd.

  • Filled latex gloves with water and wrote messages on them to people to read. What else would you do with latex gloves? Freeze them with the water? We did that too.

  • Left a potatoe and tomato at someone's house, along with a sad poem about how the potatoe died. If you're seeing a theme between poems and food, good for you.
  • Shouted repeatedly at people through our window. I realize that this is unacceptable in normal society, but so is watching people through our windows, and that doesn't stop us.
  • Wrote an exciting love story about squirrels with chalk on the sidewalk by our apartment.
  • Ran a race in a Santa Claus costume. Heck yes.

  • Went caroling to teachers' houses.
  • Taped pick-up lines to all the doors in the buildings surrounding us with lovely kiss marks:)
  • Went to a Bridal Fair pretending to be engaged. When is the wedding, you say? Leap day, 2016. Unfortunately, I missed the appointments I made to try on wedding dresses. Fortunately, I have four more years.

  • Participated in multiple water, fork, and food wars.

  • Ninja/Terrorist wars?
  • Dropped a pumpkin off our balcony to see it explode. Yesterday we threw a banana.
There's a taste of some the things that I do I guess. We don't even want to talk about the ridiculousness that goes in inside my head though. With twenty dead men (there are two women now too! Elizabeth I and Catherine the Great) in my head that all want to schnike someone, it gets complicated. Thank goodness I don't do everything they tell me to do or else this list would be a lot longer and stranger. And people would fear me. Which is what Machiavelli wants anyways.


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