Brought to you by the Number 26

Today is brought to you by the number 26. 
26 days until I enter the Provo missionary training center.
Where I will stay approximately 26 days (or less) before I peace out to Germany (which includes both the act of bringing peace and leaving the US behind for 18 months, which is 26-8. In case you wanted a stimulating math problem with the solution of 18 that included the number 26.)
26. 26. 26.
I ran out of things that are 26 after the first item (as you undoubtedly noticed), but it should nevertheless satisfy the average human's need for the number 26. 

I am so excited. So excited that I tried desperately to somehow connect this blog post with the number of days I have left as a normal human being before I turn my life over to God for a while. I did a tolerable job. 

I'm spending the week in Indiana with grandparents and other estranged relations. Except minus the estranged part. Though sometimes strange. Anyways, it's grand and I appreciate things like
a.) pouring rain in the winter. All day long.
b.) my grandma yelling for Claire or Clair, which usually results in both me and my grandpa answering. Or neither of us. Just one of the perks of having 2/3 of the household with the same name.
c.) good ol' Hoosiers. Enough said. (ps- their population exceeds 26)
d.) green grass in the winter, even when it's cold. 
e.) laughing at my grandma giving my grandpa a list of chores to do before he can go out and play

I'm glad to be here, especially since it was sad to not drive back to Provo with Taylor and my friends. Somehow, even when I'm the one leaving, I still feel like I'm getting left behind. But I'm the one going to Germany suckas. In 26 days.

Which leaves 26 days to keep up my reading pleasures, sleep in, watch Doctor Who and Once Upon a Time while scrapbooking and making German stars, and writing. That's the life. That I will keep living. For 26 more days. Smiling all the way and into the forever future.


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