
Resolutions. After a wonderfully Christmas spirit filled week, the end of the year is drawing nigh. Which means… IT’S TIME TO REFLECT AND MAKE GOALS AND PREDICTIONS ABOUT LIFE FOR THE NEXT YEAR! If you’re that type of person that is. Which I happen to be. I take every chance I get to think (as painful as t hinking can be) and evaluate and make more plans that will undoubtedly shatter in the next couple of weeks due to unexpected, future circumstances but comfort me in the present regardless. However futile thinking, planning, and making goals may seem, I do them anyways because, well, because it’s tradition! (insert Fiddler on the Roof musical number) So to keep with tradition, what do I want to do this coming year? Overcome some of my irrational fears like salesclerks asking if I need help or ordering at CafĂ© Rio (though maybe I’ll just stay afraid but do those things anyways) Leave the country (I’m counting on a study abroad to Europe in the spr...