The Day I Finally Picked my Favorite Movies

I've recently made a big decision in my life. One that defines me. One that empowers me. One that will finally give me confidence when people are trying to get to know me. I have decided on my favorite movie. Well, three movies to be exact. But I am ready to spout off all three at the moment of testing, no longer needing to search the caverns of my brain to try to remember the last movie I watched or actually any movie I've ever seen or even what the heck a movie is . Because the pressure of such a small talk question like "What is your favorite movie?" can cause film amnesia to even the strongest of souls. No more. You might recall that I made this pie chart earlier this year to answer the question, "What have you been up to?". This time I just made a handy-dandy list to whip out. So what are these movies then? Well dear reader, I shall tell you. Mona Lisa Smile (2003) Metropolis (1927) Confessions of a Shopaholic (2009) And n...