The Day I Finally Picked my Favorite Movies
I've recently made a big decision in my life.
One that defines me.
One that empowers me.
One that will finally give me confidence when people are trying to get to know me.
I have decided on my favorite movie.

Well, three movies to be exact.
But I am ready to spout off all three at the moment of testing, no longer needing to search the caverns of my brain to try to remember the last movie I watched or actually any movie I've ever seen or even what the heck a movie is. Because the pressure of such a small talk question like "What is your favorite movie?" can cause film amnesia to even the strongest of souls.
No more.
You might recall that I made this pie chart earlier this year to answer the question, "What have you been up to?". This time I just made a handy-dandy list to whip out.
So what are these movies then? Well dear reader, I shall tell you.
Of the three aforementioned films, this is probably the one you know least about. Unless you've done your research. It's a silent German-produced film from the 1920's that lays the foundation for all sci-fi, dystopian, social critique-ing films that have since followed. Which is most of them as it turns out. Despite being originally weary of silent films, I immediately fell in love with Metropolis's soundtrack, overdramatic acting, symbolism, religious undertones, creative sets, and, of course, strains between socialism and capitalism (what film is complete without those?).
One that defines me.
One that empowers me.
One that will finally give me confidence when people are trying to get to know me.
I have decided on my favorite movie.

Well, three movies to be exact.
But I am ready to spout off all three at the moment of testing, no longer needing to search the caverns of my brain to try to remember the last movie I watched or actually any movie I've ever seen or even what the heck a movie is. Because the pressure of such a small talk question like "What is your favorite movie?" can cause film amnesia to even the strongest of souls.
No more.
You might recall that I made this pie chart earlier this year to answer the question, "What have you been up to?". This time I just made a handy-dandy list to whip out.
So what are these movies then? Well dear reader, I shall tell you.
- Mona Lisa Smile (2003)
- Metropolis (1927)
- Confessions of a Shopaholic (2009)
And now you obviously want to know why in goodness's name I love these movies so much since you maybe have seen just one of them and didn't even like it, but it's doubtful you've seen all three. Unless I made you watch all of them with me.
Mona Lisa Smile:
I love this movie. Obviously. Which is why it made its way to favorite movie list. I know, that's a little confusing but just stay with me. This movie is about a free-thinking professor in the 1950's who goes to teach at a conservative school where every girl is basically just waiting to become a full-time house wife. This movie continues to rock my socks because a.) it challenges you as a viewer to evaluate the way that you think and why you do what you do, b.) woman power, c.) intellectualism, and d.) at the end of the day, you should follow your heart. There is no one right answer for how to live life; if you want to be a housewife, great--do it, but do it because you want to, not because society tells you to. If you want to be a lawyer, that's also great--do it. Whatever the heck you decide to do though, do it because you want to.

The whole movie follows the struggle between exploited workers forced to slave away with machines in the depths while the fancy and carefree upper class citizens wastes their lives on entertainment and parties and strange pirate hats. This Hunger Games/Frankenstein/Harry Potter/Lord of the Rings/1984 mash up (or rather precursor) holds a dear place in my heart.
I know, possibly unexpected based on my other two favorite movies, but I stinkin' love this movie. Maybe because it reminds me that we should not let our addictions define us. Plus who doesn't enjoy a good romance movie? This particular love story includes the usual worst-possible-scenario situations, a beautiful minor version of the song "Girls Just Want to Have Fun", and, naturally, a happy ending where all is resolved and you realize what you think you want isn't always what you actually want.
So now you know. And the next time you ask me, "What's your favorite movie?", rest assured that I will no longer be reduced to clandestinely googling "good movies" in a sad attempt to recall the name of any movie I've ever seen.
Bring it on small talk.
so what's your favorite song? :-P
ReplyDeleteYou monster... ;)