A Terrible Secret for Two

I have a confession to make.
A terrible, awful, embarrassing confession that I clandestinely admitted to two of my friends in the past month. And now I’m making a public statement.

I recently fulfilled all the requirements for my double major at BYU.
That’s not the horrible secret.
But I did this thing with this secret.

I only type with two fingers.

That’s right, I passed the Type to Learn program and a semester of computer typing class all before turning 16 pretending I had learned how to type with all ten fingers but really I’d just beat the system with two fingers.

Which I thought was an accomplishment at the time.

But then last fall came and I started typing up notes for one of my professors as his research assistant.
And eight fingers screamed shamefully and tried to hide themselves, condemning me for Iacking a basic secretarial skill.

Don’t get me wrong; I’m not a poor typist. I still can type 60-70 words per minute, which is higher than the average of 40 words per minute, and when we consider that each finger does 30-35 words each, we can conclude I’m basically a superhero. I’ve written dozens of papers during my college career and have done so in a timely manner with these two trusty fingers. (check your own speed with however many fingers you want here.)

Yet still I find myself asking how I made it this far without utilizing all ten of my fingers.
I even use my pointer fingers for the stinking spacebar for goodness sake.

I should probably invest some time in the next few months to give my neglected eight fingers a chance to show off their stuff, or at least to spare myself the embarrassment of two-fingered typing in front of employers, professors, superheroes, attractive men, intelligent dogs, and anyone else I might want to impress. #socialtypingskills

So I guess these are the morals I want to share with the world:
  1. You can still be a superhero even if you didn’t learn how to do things right at the requisite time. But you should probably give the right way a chance too.
  2. Some things you learn during college. Some things you don’t (including but not limited to how to type correctly, socialize effortlessly, sleep regularly, and know what you want after graduation).
  3. When life gives you ten fingers, use the best two.


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