A World of Octobers
Those moments that are so good you have to use an adverb to describe its adjective counterpart?
Those moments where ecstasy fills your soul and you just know that you couldn't be more content than this very second?
Those moments are rare.
But they are powerful.
And they are wonderful.
You want to be able to take out a bottle that will magically hold that precious moment forever but even as you have this thought, you know the moment is slipping away...
I used to think these moments would disappear and never return.
In a way, they do.
But in another way, they do.
Because if I have learned anything from the quarter of a century I've been breathing, it's that good things keep coming.
Whether times are good or bad, the future always holds good.
I was especially reminded of that this past month--a month that made me so grateful that I live in a world of Octobers.
Never before have I appreciated Octobers like they deserve.
This year I...
- ugly-happy-cried at every colorful tree I saw
- went out of my way to step on crunchy leaves
- took 342 pictures of changing mountains and shrubbery
- went to a haunted house for the first time (which surprisingly contained perfect though fearful moments)
- ran a Halloween half marathon and held back aforementioned ugly-happy tears because the trees were so dang beautiful for 13.1 blissful miles (okay, maybe not all of them were blissful)
While there were moments when I definitely wanted to sad-cry as well because I knew the autumn ecstasy wouldn't last forever, I was comforted knowing that October will be here again next year.
Life tells me that there isn't an endless supply of perfect moments.
But life has shown me something different.
The moments change.
Sitting in the back of a truck while your friends sing boisterously into the night beside you.
Running through yellow leaves.
Watching the mountains turn pink and glow.
Cuddling close with someone.
Eating Café Rio. As much as possible.
Counting stars.
Dancing the night away.
Doing whatever it is that makes you feel alive.
Perfection exists in multiple forms.
So keep your eyes out for more Octobers.
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