Creative To a Fault
I have come to the realization that I can be creative to a fault.
In regard to human interactions that is.
Okay and pretty much every other kind of interaction (which interacting with kitchen appliances? Thought TBC)
My expressions of love, empathy, interest, and care often show themselves a bit eccentrically, but they are essentially representations of my feelings and thus of me.
I've never been a fan of "normal" (because what does that even mean anyways?) and I end up adoring people for their quirks and oddities because if we can't love others ourselves for those things, how individual can our love be?
So this is me embracing my creativity--that talent that simultaneously confuses and amuses people (at least in theory).
Let's look at some examples of "gifts" and and other "things" I have oh-so-creatively thought would make people smile in the past:
Carrots wrapped in tin foil.
Granted, giving someone carrots is already kind of a weird thing (because what ever happened to cookies?!) but sometimes people can take care of themselves with ice cream and cookies and they need some sort of healthy crunch for your emotional and physical well-being. Also when you run out of plastic bags, you have to use tin foil to wrap your carrots.
Cup of Bacon Grease.
Okay this was a clear failed attempt to flirt with someone. Because as an 18-year-old, nothing said "I'm totally into you" like leaving a cup of bacon grease on a boy's doorstep with some punny sticky notes labeling the cup as "Sir Francis Bacon of Greece."
I did not see this boy again after he returned the cup.
Melted Cake Monster.
In high school my best friend and I made a botched cake that ended up looking like a melted monster. So we gave it to another friend. Because love.
Handmade cards.
I'm not sure if I've ever bought a card from the store because why buy a card if I can draw a ridiculous stick-figure image of someone doing a birthday jig or write a silly poem about the great (and often fictional deeds) of one of my good friends?
Kissed Papers
My freshman roommate and I thought it would be funny to put on red lipstick and kiss scores of tiny papers and leave them in our friend's backpack to find when he opened it up because everyone needs something like that.
This is either super weird or not weird at all because even just saying "Let's drink some tea" is comforting and makes you feel like you just got hugged, but then again it is often unexpected to find someone on your doorstep with a few saran-wrapped apple tea bags but also when you want to tell someone you love them how do you do it without tea and run-on sentences?
Magical Wands. (a.k.a. Sticks)
I would say I could explain, but when the explanation includes the excuse that you'd already written this individual an acceptance letter to "Pigpimples School of Witchcraft and Wizardry" so you were just following up by finding a really nice stick, it sounds even more weird. #failedflirting
Picture Books.
This is usually reserved for my friends who get married and then I write them cute (okay you caught me, they are usually just a little odd but undoubtedly entertaining) picture stories about their fictionalized life adventures.
Sometimes you want to make a movie but your roommate doesn't so you decide that doesn't really matter so you just wing it and now you'll have have this great video of her sleeping and giggling.
A very fleeting gift come to think of it, but they come in so many shapes and sizes and their ubiquity makes them very convenient expressions of endearance.
There are undoubtedly more but we'll stop it there so I don't give away all of my secrets (which is what blogs are for, right?).
Loving others is a creative endeavor.
And I plan to keep it that way.
I am creative. I am quirky. I am a little mad. I am daring and reckless and let's not forget oh-so-ambiguous (what do the carrots really mean?!?).
And I call that beauty.
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