Topic: Winners and Losers

Briefly describe your thoughts on winning and losing.

Well, the Machiavelli in my head is shouting that we celebrate winners in history, whether they be good or bad. And then Rousseau is saying we're all losers because of nasty civilization, and Karl Marx wants to change those words to "haves" and "have-nots." But those are my plagarized thoughts.

I like winning, as most people do. Rarely do people walk into BYU's testing center and say, "I hope I bomb this test; it will be so humbling!" I want to win board games, sport competitions, and others' affections, and leave tests quivering after I finish them. There is that part of people that just wants to be the best, though how big they let that little person get is up to them (yes, I do personify every thought and feeling and picture them as funny little people inside of us). My roommate Charlotte and I keep starting fights that we can't win, but I almost think that's why we start them, because if we did win, it would be incredible and our little man that wants to win would be satisfied. Instead we keep just getting crushed. We're like Poland trying to start a fight with Russia. Utter stupidity right there. But winning somehow makes people feel important, and it's worth losing a few battles (or a lot apparently).

I don't believe in ultimate winners and losers; I think there is just a smattering of victories and failures and people experience both, though sometimes we don't recognize the outcomes. We tend to side with the underdog in battles, which doesn't really make sense if you think about it. The bigger man who has prepared more should have our support. Nonetheless, as underdogs, Charlotte and I are counting on that support, and we shall conquer and have victory someday. And then lose another day. Because that my friends, is how life wins.


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