Why I sometimes feel like a robot and how I know I'm not one
That sounds like a good title of a book.
But here is why I've felt like a robot more days than not this summer:
So look at that; I'm still keeping my humanity.
And shall cling to it despite robotic tendencies that sometimes surface.
But here is why I've felt like a robot more days than not this summer:
- I work all the time doing the same thing over and over again. A robot could definitely do my job. But I'm glad they hired a semi-human being like me to work.
- I have created very few new relationships or friendships this summer. And robots don't have friends.
- I haven't written any papers all summer. And robots can't write good papers, which is why they don't go to school.
- I've listened to dozens of books this summer almost mechanically. And even though books are a human invention, the way I've been going through them you'd think I was a book-reading robot.
- I took an acryllic paint class this summer and absolutely loved it. And guess what? Robots don't paint.
- I keep a journal. And robots don't keep journals.
- I go running just for fun. Robots only race to win. Well, I can't imagine them exercising for fun.
- I've had a couple surgeries to get rid of nasty, nasty warts that have infiltrated my skin (though left my soul quite intact). And as much I have detested those warts, robots don't get warts. So they prove I'm still human.
So look at that; I'm still keeping my humanity.
And shall cling to it despite robotic tendencies that sometimes surface.
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