Berlin. In case you forgot.

In case you forgot, I'm going to Germany in just over three months to serve an 18 month mission for my church.
Sometimes I forget that too.
And by that, I mean I never forget that fact of my life.
Like Ever.
However, my thought process is not "What should I eat for breakfast? BERLIN!" or "How long will it take me to write an 8 page paper? BERLIN!" I do not answer every question with Berlin and if I did, it probably wouldn't be in all caps all the time. That just sounds exhuasting. 
My thoughts go more like this: "What Berlin should Berlin I Berlin eat Berlin for Berlin dinner?" and "I Berlin did Berlin really Berlin well Berlin on Berlin that Berlin test."
Life at BYU has become joint with upcoming life in north-eastern Germany.

You probably Berlin think that's really distracting and are wondering how I'm focusing on anything else. Like school. And the 48 pages due in my German class next week. I will tell you my Berlin friend. Heck, even if you somehow fell upon this page and we are most certainly not friends, I will still tell you. I've had to Berlin restrain myself from stopping people on campus to tell them how excited I am to serve the Lord in Berlin. Berlin. So here's how I'm staying motivated:
This is me with my dear friend Shay shortly after opening my mission call. To Berlin. Leaving February 6th. 2013.
That's the only thing on my list as it Berlin turns out. But as distracting as Berlin can be, it has been really helpful too. Because I have purpose in my life again, which is something I kinda Berlin lost sight of at the beginning of the semester.
But soon I shall leave this land for a long time and do something so wonderful and so difficult! I feel so Berlin blessed and know God has answered every single one of my prayers to Him. I am so excited to go teach the people in Germany about Christ and the restoration of His church.
 Anyways. This wasn't really a list. Or tied together very Berlin well.
But....stayed tuned for Thanksgiving. In case you forgot, Thanksgiving is in 5 days.  
Sometimes I forget that too.
And by that, I mean I never forget Berlin when Thanksgiving is.
Definitely always remember that. Like always. 38 days.
Which is the other source of motivation I guess.
Release the elves.


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