What are you doing with life?

"So what are you doing with life?" a.) "Oh you know, just trucking along and trying to figure things out." b.) "uh....stuff." c.) "Well I have a ten year plan laid out with scores of contingency plans if those don't work out, so every day I go to class and work and add another contingency plan--just in case--which leaves my journal looking like a master spider web. Want to see?" d. "I think I need some space with life but I still want to be alive so I guess you could say things are complicated." That's kind of a weird question when you think about it, right? But that's what we ask people when we want to catch up and hear about their oh-so-exciting lives (which more often than not haven't changed significantly over a 23 day span, but sometimes they do so just in case you want to be in on everything). It's like we picture life as this lump of clay that everyone is given at birth and by the time we're ...