An Ode to the Ones

An Ode to the Ones

The one does a lot. 
Known or not. 
Comforts, nurtures, shares
Creates laughter, smiles, tears, thoughts
and love.

This is an ode to the ones
the ones who do it all.
Day by day, moment by moment.
Those gone and still here.

To the ones who laughed
the ones who stood by
       as I repeatedly tried to launch whip cream into my mouth
the ones who teased
      as I tried to put on a dress over a T-shirt and leggings
the ones who empathetically smiled
      as I drafted message after message
             figuring out how to use the prison of language
the ones who wore handmade neon tank tops to go skating
            and always sought the spontaneous
the ones who sung German songs with me
the ones who read stories aloud to themselves 
in various accents
            upside down against the wall
the ones who saw mice invasions as an attack 
           on personal integrity
the ones who made Taylor Swift music videos 
       in the late hours of the night

the ones who traveled with me     
      walked the streets of Venice, Munich, and Krakow
            smiled at the fat pigeons and accordion players

To the ones who cried
the ones who held my head
            as I contemplated the unknown
the ones who scratched my back
           as I wept for my mistakes and failures
the ones who read me stories
             as I mourned the loss of childhood
the ones who prayed they wouldn't be a bum on the street
the ones who didn't think they'd be whole again
the ones who struggled against depression and anxiety
         and slept under their beds
                to hide
the ones who questioned truth
      but held on to faith
               and trusted God.

To the ones who thought
the ones who listened to my endless queries
         as I lay on the floor considering the existential
the ones who asked questions
          as I sat in a classroom
                   realizing the world was bigger than me
the ones who helped with papers and tests
the ones who shared insights, testimony, and beliefs
            as I considered my own
The ones who looked up at the stars with me
            on clear, quiet nights in Berlin
the ones who fearlessly inquired
the ones who searched for knowledge
          never satisfied with current thoughts
the ones who studied
           who sought and pondered with me

To the ones who loved
the ones who were my best students
      I was, perhaps, their subpar teacher
the ones who saw the best and worst and embraced it all anyways
the ones who took a chance on me
         to find out it wasn't worth the risk
the ones who didn't know how.
                  awkward, nervous, unaware
the ones who hugged, kissed, and cuddled
          searching for connection
the ones who wore their hearts on their sleeves
the ones who were vulnerable
the ones who passionately adored
           traveling long distances for moments of presence
the ones who were smiley.
             who made my heart sing
the ones I spent late hours talking and thinking about
           the ones who made me restless

To the one I was scared to love
            who taught me what it means,
                        the vastness of it all

To the one who brings the greatest peace
           who offers grace and redemption
                   who loves freely.
This is an ode to the ones
      Those who have done so much
             who have brought bursts of laughter, tears, thoughts
                    and love. 

This ode is for you.


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