One of the Gilmore Girls

My heart and my fingers are full of words, but not all of them can be written at this time. Or at any time perhaps. Because as wonderful as words are, sometimes they can’t do moments justice. Sometime you just have to listen with your heart.

The past month has revealed many good things.

The start of summer.

The continuation of learning French.

Two weeks in Germany with my family.

Two days in Prague.

The past month also brought a sort of sweet sadness in that I finished all seven seasons of Gilmore Girls. Before we go further, let’s clarify that I’m not the type of person who stays up into the wee hours of the night watching episode after episode of whatever is on Netflix. Okay let’s be real, very few things can keep me up into the wee hours of the night anymore. #oldladyat23 The only TV shows I’ve gotten slightly obsessive with and emotionally attached to are Once Upon a Time and Psych andGilmore Girls.

But now I can no longer feel like I am a Gilmore Girl because I’ve seen it all.
I know the whole story.
And admittedly, it ended perfectly. It was both liberating and satisfying, like opening a window while someone feeds you cake. I may or may not have cried during the entire last episode. Meaning I most likely did. And let’s not even talk about my emotional state during that moment when Luke tells Lorerai, “I just like to see you happy.” #canthandleit
Because if you can’t fall in love with fictional characters and their fictional lives and want them to be happy (in their theoretical world, of course), what do you even have?

I finished the last episode right before going off to Germany, which made returning even more sad because I knew that the Gilmore Girls weren’t waiting for me anymore. That Luke and Lorelai and Rory and Logan and Grandma and Grandpa had all moved on. That I’d seen Rory go through high school and college and she was done with the stage of life I’m finishing up too. They were moving on with their fictional lives in the fictional future, and I supposed I needed to do the same thing.

When I was in the middle of the series, one of my co-workers told me that his wife had devoured all seven seasons in two months (it took me three). And then she had watched them all again at a slower rate.

And at the time, I thought that comical. I thought I’d be content after finishing.

But then yesterday... I found myself starting the Pilot episode again. And the tears were threatening to come back.


Because here are the things I have learned from the Gilmore Girls:

  • There is no love like mother-daughter love.
  • Relationships that seem over are not always over forever.
  • Stubbornness limits growth.
  • Little towns are like big, weird families.
  • People eat pancakes to get over hangovers.
  • The best thing you can do is to forever be a child.

So yes, I’m still sad that I actually finished everything.
But I’m also glad.
Because that’s how life works.

So I guess I’m just getting back to studying for the GRE, speaking German, thinking about my Capstone paper, and enjoying perfect summer nights.

Where the air is cool and the stars are bright and the city is quiet and you remember that your own life is full of perfect moments. Moments you can’t hold on to forever and moments words can’t exactly describe, but moments that bring something akin to pixie dust to normal life.



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