Books I read summer 2011 (yes, I realize 92% of them are history books)

  1. Lenin, Stylin, and Hitler: The Age of Social Castastrophe (Gellately)-good book to start of my summer of 20th century tragedies
  2. The Age of Napoleon (Horne)- felt like I owed it to Mr. Ecks to read a book about Napoleon
  3. From Dawn to Decadence: 500 years of Western Cultural Life (Barzun)-dense with knowledge, humanities here I come!
  4. Mysteries of the Middle Ages: The Rise of Feminism, Science, and Art from the Cults of Catholic Europe (Cahill)- good from what I remember...
  5. Bloodlands: Europe between Hitler and Stalin (Snyder)-really made me appreciate my life and put things in perspective
  6. Gulag voices (Applebaum)-good afterthoughts of the previously mentioned
  7. The Wit and Wisdom of Winston Churchill (Humes)-what a funny man
  8. The Man Who was Poe (Avi)-hey look! fiction! kinda...
  9. That's Not in my American History Book (Ayres)-I like American history textbooks better
  10. On the Wealth of Nations (O'Rourke)-I thought I had enough history to get through it, but my econmics knowledge is still limited
  11. Mormonism: A Very Short Intro (Bushman)-Yes, I do know my own religion. I just wanted to know what one would include in a 100 page objective book.
  12. Dating Hamlet (Fidler)-bleh. I don't know why I even finished this one. It was a waste of words.
  13. Traitor's Gate (Avi)-twas alright, but I'm having problems with books that don't make me feel like a smarter or better person when I finish.
  14. 48 Liberals Lies About American History (Schweikart)-my mom thought it was stupid to read this book, but I feel like I want to know about both liberal lies and conservative crap.
  15. Ever (Levine)-again, disappointed with my choice in fictional novels
  16. The Greatest Generation (Tom Brokaw)-read at the request of my Coach Schwartz
  17. Gifts (LeGuin)-I realized I'd already read this about half way through and I was disappointed.
  18. Mormons as Citizens of a Communist State (Kuehne)-I'm glad I read the other books about the Soviet Union before this and it was cool to see things in a religious light.
  19. European Intellectual History Since 1789 (Stromberg)-so much knowledge!!!
  20. Matched (Condie)-yay a novel I liked! A mix between 1984, Anthem, and Hunger Games
  21. The Last Day of a Condemned Man (Hugo)-to carry on with my Victor Hugo affair
  22. The Taming of the Shrew (Shakespeare)-dandy until the severely anti-feminist ending. I liked tyhe modern day movie they turned it into better.
  23. Royal Pains (Carroll)-felt more like gossip than a real history book. Shame. But went well with Mad Kings and Queens, which I read earlier this year
  24. The German Empire (Stuermer)-I bought this book five months ago and just now got around to reading it...


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