Ways to tell that you're getting older

  • People look smaller and younger, even when you haven't grown since 7th grade
  • You prefer to socialize with adults
  • Your email inbox is not full of messages from friends, but from various organizations, colleges, and people reminding you to pay for housing
  • You read more nonfiction than fiction
  • People who left to serve two year missions two years ago are home. What a concept.
  • You print out calendars to plan our your week, or month's, meals.
  • You make more business calls than "let's hang out or talk" calls
  • Your friends are starting to get marrried. And have children. And retire. Oh wait, not that last one.
  • The "in five years..." talks are sounding less and less like the previous five years.
  • Your calendar gets used more than your wii.
  • You start to lose your hair, and then you realize that's just from stress.
  • You do things to remind yourself of childhood, like buying crayons.
  • You know that you only have a few more birthdays before age becomes just a number.


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