Topic: Books

Briefly describe your feelings concerning books.

Sometimes I think I love books more than people, though in the end, human beings end up winning (usually). Books are magical. Words take my breath away. The fantasy and imagination of fiction expose the depths of human thought and I am continually amazed at the stories that our brains can weave. There is something incredible about words taking you in and out of several different worlds and leaving you with intense feelings about those experiences. I love the stories of real people too; I probably spend too much time with history books, and the people who see me leave the library with fifteen books about the Soviet Union must no doubt think I'm crazy. But really I just like books more than most people do. I'm obsessed with gaining as much information as will fit in my head, and so yes, I will bring my copy of "A History of Intellectual Thought" to the doctor's office and strike up conversations with my comrads about literature in the 19th century (though I don't usually use the word comrad because of said Soviet Union writings). Books are meant to be read, enjoyed, disected, annotated, reflected upon, and even smelled. Books make life fuller and leave remnants of the soul for others to embrace.


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