Topic: College Experience

Everyone needs to do some free writing every once in while (thus my break from list format; I actually might never go back to lists). Sometimes the best listener is a piece of paper and a trusty pen.

Assignment: Write for five minutes on your college experience thus far.

I loved college when I first got here, even if I was really sad about saying goodbye to Colorado Springs and childhood. And I still like it a lot, but I want to go home more too. The problem that I've had this semester is general discomfort with myself and my shell. I have come to realize that I live in a cave of hypotheticals and I often fail to recognize reality from the dancing shadows on the wall. I have always been a thinker and a dreamer, but when it comes down to something happening directly to me, I'm hopeless. I don't act. I hide in my shell or my cave and I pretend the actual problem is hypothetical. So the problem with that is that real problems aren't solved with hypothetical solutions. And by the time I've realized that, the boat has left the station (yes, boats do leave stations). My life is basically a bunch of subjunctive things and things I wish I'd done. This turned out not to be a lot about college. More about hypotheses. I guess it was hypothetically about college.


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