Topic: Holidays

Assignment: Write about your least favorite holiday.

I hate Valentines day. And not just because I'm single. I think it's mostly just an excuse to spend more money and be more commercial than we already are. People shouldn't need a day to tell someone that they love them; we should be constantly reminding the people around us that we love them (though I probably wouldn't be opposed to a Friendship day). So I hate the consumerism and the shallowness of Valentines Day, not to mention those disgusting tokens of love people carry around all day. We don't all need to see that someone loves you; keep that personal please. If there was ever a day to experience being blind for a day, it would be Valentines day. I'm also a PDA hater. And I guess I hate Valentines day too because I'm single, but it's not like I have a real positive view of relationships currently. So I might loathe this day even if I had a boyfriend. Apparently I just like to hate things right now. Thank you little cynical Hobbes in my head. Our lives are nasty, brutish, and short.

Fortunately Victor Hugo is up there too, reminding me love is good despite my objections, and he whispers, "The greatest happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved; loved for ourselves, or rather, loved in spite of ourselves."
Thanks Victor. And Hobbes I guess.
Have a tolerable Valentines day.


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