
My life is currently made up of countdowns.
10 more rooms to clean.
3 more check outs at the hotel.
3 weeks until my half marathon.
10 weeks of work left.
3 more months until school starts.
1 year until I can turn in mission papers.
And the most pressing countdown is....29 days until Taylor returns to our family!

The present has never been my favorite time, but usually I'm more fixated with the past rather than the future. I get caught up in grandeur castles, foolish aristocrats, and humble peasants from hundreds of years ago, but now, I just can't wait for things to come.
Clocks keep ticking in my head; waiting for the alarms to go off puts me on egde and probably raises my blood pressure. Good thing I run. And tragically gave up sugar until the half is over.

So, I'll continue counting down, because I'm totally capable of that math.


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