The Inquisition

I often talk about the men that live in my head. I think they deserve some more mention right now.
So I have a couple dozen dead people (sadly only three women: Catherine the Great, Elizabeth I, and Jane Austen) that sit upstairs while drinking coffee, smoking cigars, and discussing philosophy. They often argue with each other and try to help me make decisions.
No, I'm not a schizophrenic. They really existed and have simply left their personas behind.
Sometimes they give good advice. Sometimes, not so much.
I keep them around anyways.

The purpose in explaining the above was to tell you (ambiguous pronoun...who knows who I'm talking to) that there has been a Spanish Inquisition up there.
But not in a religious, bloody manner.
I started a job at a hotel this week and everyone who works there speaks Spanish. Except me. I know four Spanish verbs and a smattering of nouns, but that aids me little, especially when the other ladies don't speak English. Only one of the men in my head is Spanish (Philip) and he speaks English too.
However, because the past four days have been spent surrounded by Spanish speakers, everyone upstairs has started speaking in Spanish accents. Some of them only speak broken English now. I keep hoping that if I listen hard enough, I'll understand the hotel staff. But I don't think that'll work out.
Hopefully the day off of work tomorrow will get everyone speaking English (and some German) again.
Only for Spanish to return on Monday...
Those Spanish Inquisitions are powerful.
Thankfully mine isn't violent.


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