In the Spirit of Thanksgiving
So. Gratitude is the bomb.
Because it helps you be happy and stuff.
And because we usually concentrate our thankful hearts in the time that
precedes Christmas (a.k.a. the most wonderful time of the year
) which makes it even better.
But back to Thanksgiving and gratitude goodness because that’s this week
and that’s what this post regards.
And by that, I mean I meant to make a smooth transition from that awkward
first almost-paragraph to a list about things and people and ideas and beliefs I’m
grateful for, but I failed with that so…we’re just going to start now. In a
random order.
- · Food. Like Spinach and cucumbers and salsa (which compose most of my diet) along with bread, ice cream, soup, brownies, zucchini, and all things pumpkin
- · My family. They didn’t purposefully come after food by the way. But I do tend to enjoy food with them. Anyways, they’re great. I have the most kindred, thoughtful, intelligent parents ever (ever in my existence, I mean) and the dearest, most talented brothers.
- · Books. Because what would I do without my precious words and the adventures and wisdom they bring?
- · My roommates. Present, past, future. Few things have brought grater joy, stability, and reflection in my college years than late night conversations, schniking in the night, fighting mice, baking oreo cupcakes, deciding what to do with fermented watermelon and orange juice, and figuring life out. What a lonely, lost soul I would be without them.
- · My mission. Duh. That’s why we can’t shut up about them. I’m so thankful for the people I met on my mission from all over the world and for the growing, refining experiences I had (even the African marriage proposals and cancelled appointments and crazy/mentally unstable people). Plus all of the wonderful missionaries I met who became such important parts of my life. My companions were incredible. My leaders were strong. I was privileged to unite with them.

- · Relationships. Meeting new people even though it’s scary. Maintaining friendships even when it’s hard. I love the people in my life (my oma/visiting teacher/roommate/friend, my good home teachers, my enlightening co-workers, and my kick-trash boyfriend—who doesn’t actually literally kick trash but does judo)
- · Water. I drink a lot.
- · Christmas music. What would we do without it?
- · Clorox. For all your sanitizing needs.
- · Shoes. Self-explanatory.
- · Legs and lungs. Plus all the other body parts that help me run around the city.
- · Phones. Communication made fast and easy.
- · German Tea. Warms my soul. Glad I still have a supply.
- · Pictures and journals. I’m the type who gets nostalgic before the moment is even over so…I’m thankful for whatever helps preserve memories.
- · Living Prophets. Leading and guiding all the way.
- · The Scriptures and Truth.
- · Prayer. Being able to talk with my Father in Heaven and getting comfort, guidance, and peace from Him.
- · Music (and Spotify J). Ahhhhhhhhh I love it.
- · Cuddling. Feeling safe and loved.
- · BYU. I freaking love this place of learning and growth.
- · My loving God. It’s because of Him that I have everything listed above; I know with Him, I’ll always have things to be grateful for. They just keep coming.
“Saying thank you is
more than good manners. It is good spirituality.”
--Alfred Painter
PS- We decorated for Christmas this week J
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