Emotional Explosions
This week, I was an emotional
You know those weeks when those random, little things make
you weep like a child—like seeing
pictures of blind puppies or holding a stuffed platypus or running out of colored
pens because everything seems to forebode stormy skies?
That was this week for me.
My mom wrote me on my mission once (okay, actually a lot
more than once; she was pretty much the best writer ever) after my little
brother had left for college and admitted that she’d started bursting into
tears whenever she saw babies or commercials for diapers or other things that
reminded her she was an empty-nester and though I have no excuse as traumatic
as that, I felt similarly this week. Regarding the whole crying sporadically.
You know, just doing my thing and then suddenly I'm weeping like a toddler while watching
movies, talking to friends, doing homework, trying to plan the future, seeing
the future fall apart, etc. The usual
things that bring tears to one’s eyes, right?

Which has always been hard for me and will always be so. Because
heck, I don’t even know what I want 98% of the time and feelings seem to grow and change so rapidly it’s not worth trying to
stay caught up on them. I thought I’d moved past my tendencies to
procrastinate my emotions, but present life has since proved otherwise and I’m
still working on it.
I read something from Neal A. Maxwell on my mission that
really touched me regarding my desire to ”deal with” my emotions, und zwar:
Bam. That is it. All my obsessions with vulnerability, with
finding happiness, with creating a future. It’s
all about feeling. And not only is something God wants us to do, but it is a requirement. Something expected of
us, something required of us if we
really want to grow and really want to progress.
I believe God feels incredibly deeply.
And I believe he wants us to develop that capacity as well.
So even though I’ve been a nasty explosion of emotions this week, shooting tears from every angle at random, unexpected moments, it’s
part of the process.
It’s part of feeling everything.
It’s part of progress.
It’s a part of growing up.
And however silly they may be, my emotions are a central part of me.
And I don’t want to shun that.
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