"You look like you walked off of a Christmas card!" and Other Things People Tell Me in December

I was diagnosed with OCD ( Obsessive Christmas Disorder ) when I was a junior in high school, but I guess it started sooner than that. In love. When I made my friends take a fake family Christmas photo. I remember going shopping with my mom not because I particularly liked buying things, but because December always offered beautiful Christmas displays and let's not forget the magic holiday patterns that fabric stores flaunted . I made my little brother sleep under the Christmas tree with me weeks before Christmas day just because the lights were oh-so-lovely. Making gifts for friends and family filled most of my spare time outside of homework and school. The skirt that started it all, circa 2008 And then came the skirts . I think I sewed my first Christmas skirt when I was a freshman in high school. It was black with candy canes and I wore it on Black Friday and maybe two others time...